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helen offline helen Сообщение Ср Ноя 11, 2009 16:41 Ответить с цитатой

Сообщения: 1861
Откуда: Рига, Пурвциемс

Hello everybody! Hi

This site is dedicated to young moms and their problems, it means that all connected with childen is very important for us.
That is why for this lesson I decided to choose the theme related to the children and their health (may be the most crucial point to each mom). Да-да (could not find the smiley with mom and baby Ого )

As always the plan for the lesson is following:
1. to read the article
2. to check all unknown words
3. to write the replies on suggested topics and questions
5. to increase vocabulary. Work with dictionary, if necessary.

I am looking forward to your replies till next Wednesday! Цветок
Good luck and have a good time studing English! Счастье нереальное

Scientists have found a new use for children’s imaginations. To make the pain from stomachaches go away. The BBC reports on a new study that shows: “Children can be taught to use their imagination to tackle frequent bouts of stomach pain.” This may be very good news for parents who need a quick remedy for their sick children. Any mother or father understands stomach problems are one of the most frequent things their children complain about. Around twenty per cent of children suffer from stomachaches that doctors cannot find a reason for. This new research is especially good for kids with active imaginations. Researchers found that the more creative the child is, the better he or she is at imagining the pain away. The researchers, from America’s University of North Carolina and Duke University Medical Center, used a relaxation CD with children. The kids listened to a voice that guided them through different fantasy situations. One of these was pretending to be floating on a cloud. Thirty children took part in the tests. Half of them used the “guided imagery” techniques, the other half received normal medicines. Researchers found 73.3 per cent of the CD users reported a reduction in pain. This compared to only 26.7 per cent of kids who got normal treatment. Study leader Dr Miranda van Tilburg was very excited about her findings. She believes it could be a very cheap and easy way to stop children’s stomach pains. She said it would not work as well with adults.


1.What do you think of this article?
2.Do you believe it is possible to ''imagine'' pain away? Prove your opinion. Will it be possible for children to ''imagine'' pain away? What do you think about our imagination and about childen's imagination?
3. Find in the dictionary other meanings, synonyms for the words ‘stomach’ and ‘ache’.


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Podsolnuh offline Podsolnuh Сообщение Чт Ноя 12, 2009 12:17 Ответить с цитатой

Сообщения: 4207
Откуда: Планета Земля

Hello ladies!
Can I also participate?
It would be grateful to start speak English.
I am sorry for my terrible language and mistakes in advance, because of my low level of English.

Сын- 10 лет
Дочка-почти 7 лет

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DiaanaBolgare offline DiaanaBolgare Сообщение Чт Ноя 12, 2009 13:34 Ответить с цитатой

Сообщения: 173
Откуда: Imanta

me too, looking forward to practicing my English. Not being a member of the group, may I participate ?


Diana's Language Coaching
Говори уверенно. Воплощай мечты.

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helen offline helen Сообщение Чт Ноя 12, 2009 15:52 Ответить с цитатой

Сообщения: 1861
Откуда: Рига, Пурвциемс

Welcome, girls!!! Улыбка Цветок Рукопожатие

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Nyamu offline Nyamu Креатив мама
Креатив мама Сообщение Пт Ноя 13, 2009 01:57 Ответить с цитатой

Сообщения: 7505
Откуда: Рига, Иманта

So, I'll start first.

This article is about a very interesting research. But I'm suprised, that there haven`t been the same researches till this one. I believe, that children are not the only one, who can do it. Everyone can "imagine pain away'. And this phenomena is called self-suggestion (at least it is called like that by my mom Хихи ). Me and my mother are using this occasionly Да-да

As for the third exercise -- I opened my dictionry and was suprised by so many meanings of word "stomach", cause I have known only one meaning till now Хихи
Some of the most surprising meanings for me were: spirit, abdomen, wish and braveness. Also I found one interesting idiom -- "stomach an insult", that litiraly means "swallow an offence".


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sinij offline sinij Сообщение Пт Ноя 13, 2009 11:51 Ответить с цитатой

Сообщения: 1315

So, I will take part in this discussion, too Улыбка

1. We know that children suffer from stomaches. Also, we know that children suffer from stomaches that doctors cannot find a reason for. I`ve read very interesting thing from this article: there is a way to improve the situation - to help our children with their stomache using children`s imagination. Let them help themselves. This is the easiest way to stop pains without medicine Улыбка

2. Of course, it is possible to "imagine" pain away. Not only children do this Улыбка Everyone do this, not except me Улыбка It does not depend on age.

3. Stomach - abdomen, belly, breadbasket
Ache - tolerate, hurt, spite

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Noela offline Noela Сообщение Пт Ноя 13, 2009 12:16 Ответить с цитатой

Сообщения: 487
Откуда: Riga, Imanta

nice article
1) Pain in the abdomen is the thing which has to be evaluated carefully. That is my opinion. The thing is that all acute things in the abdominal cavity (I mean appendicitis, t.ex) develop very fast in children. So, it is nice to imagine pain away, I guess, it may work quite nicely, but only after it is clear, that the reason for the pain in abdominal cavity does not have "surgical" origin Улыбка Otherwise - nice method how to get rid of pain without medication, if it works Улыбка I also think that 30 kids - it is not enough to draw such conclusions.
2) I believe that it is absolutely possible to imagine pain, as well as imagine pain to go away. I've seen in my medical practice (long, long time ago) how people believe they have pain, which go away completely after injection of vitamins. If this is possible, the reverse is also possible. As for imagination itself - child's imagination is far more vivid than that of an adult. I guess a lot of research has been done on that Улыбка
3) With "stomach" one can imagine 2 things. 1) = abdominal cavity= abdomen, belly, tummy, guts, bowels, visceral organs etc. 2) = something related to stomach (i.e. gastric..)
ache - pain, hurt, suffering, twinge, to be sore.
Oh, right, now I see other meanings of "stomach" - forgot about those (the ones that Nyamu mentioned) Улыбка


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Nyamu offline Nyamu Креатив мама
Креатив мама Сообщение Пт Ноя 13, 2009 14:34 Ответить с цитатой

Сообщения: 7505
Откуда: Рига, Иманта

Noela :
nice article
1) Pain in the abdomen is the thing which has to be evaluated carefully. So, it is nice to imagine pain away,but only after it is clear, that the reason for the pain in abdominal cavity does not have "surgical" origin Улыбка

I absolutely agree with Noela, that we should get clear with the cause of ache first, to be sure, it's not something very important, because pain actualy is just a symptom Да-да


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sinij offline sinij Сообщение Пт Ноя 13, 2009 16:57 Ответить с цитатой

Сообщения: 1315

We forgot about PLACEBO. This type of medicine has a success - people`s pain go away, because people BELIEVE they receive real tablets or real medicine from doctors. This is the power of imagination Улыбка

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Noela offline Noela Сообщение Пт Ноя 13, 2009 17:45 Ответить с цитатой

Сообщения: 487
Откуда: Riga, Imanta

Placebo effect was the one I described in my post - patient thinks that I'm giving him morphine injection (or whatever pain medication), but in reality it is vitamin c for example Улыбка But pain goes away completely.


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DiaanaBolgare offline DiaanaBolgare Сообщение Вт Ноя 17, 2009 11:12 Ответить с цитатой

Сообщения: 173
Откуда: Imanta

The given article arouses a discussion, although speaks about evident things. Visualisation is a strong means of helping oneself. Good that children (having more vivid imagination) are under study - that helps the research to be a success.
We people have a strong tool of an incredible force - that is a thought (and imagination of course). We have to learn how to use it. Children might teach us.
The synonime new for me is - to endure - i.e. to be able to accept smth, especially smth unpleasant. There are also a number of unexpected idioms with this word, like to have no stomach for a fight or task, that is to have no desire to do smth, because you don't like doing it.
Ache to do smth - to want to do or have smth very much
dull ache - an annoying pain that is not very painful;
aches and pains - many small pains which you feel at the same time
achy - adj (new for me!) - my arm feels all achy.


Diana's Language Coaching
Говори уверенно. Воплощай мечты.

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helen offline helen Сообщение Чт Ноя 19, 2009 14:01 Ответить с цитатой

Сообщения: 1861
Откуда: Рига, Пурвциемс

Hello everybody! Hi

So, this time due to the National holiday we sum up the results of Lesson 4 a little bit later. Краснею
First of all I would like to welcome the newcomers, it means that our club slowly expends, what is always good for discussions !!! Цветок Цветок Ok

So, the theme of this lesson was Imagination and its influence on some aspects of our life.

All participants suppose that it is possbile to ''imagine'' pain away and not only for children but for adults as well. This is very good, as I also think so and to my opinion this is the next step after homoeopathic treatment.
On ''first level'' we take antibiotics.
On ''second level'' we take homoeopathy.
On ''third level'' we image pain away, like yogis do. Счастье нереальное

And now concerning grammar: this time there were such strong participants, that there is no any remark concerning grammar. Well done! Рукопожатие Цветок Счастье нереальное

Thank you very much for participation and see you in Lesson 5. Hi Счастье нереальное Цветок
Stay tuned!

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