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пятница, 07 Июня


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helen offline helen Сообщение Чт Ноя 19, 2009 14:25 Ответить с цитатой

Сообщения: 1861
Откуда: Рига, Пурвциемс

Hello everybody! Улыбка

There are many close people in our life- parents, relatives, husband/wife, children and friends. We all know that it is very important to have good friends. There are even a lot of sayings about friends, like ''a good friend worth more than a bag of gold'' and so on. And it is always sad when we for some reasons lose friends...

As always the plan for the lesson is following:
1. to read the article
2. to check all unknown words
3. to write the replies on suggested topics and questions
4. to increase vocabulary. Work with dictionary, if necessary.

I am looking forward to your replies till next Wednesday! Цветок
Good luck and have a good time studing English! Счастье нереальное

There are many new ways of making friends in today’s world. The best known of these is meeting new pals online. The Japanese are doing things a little differently. There is a growth in rent-a-friend agencies. The only catch is that the friends you meet will not become your true friends. You simply rent one when you need one for a specific occasion. The friends for rent are professional fakers. They will pretend to be anyone you want them to be. They serve a very useful purpose in Japan, where it’s very important to keep up social appearances. If you do not have a best man for your wedding or you need a rich aunt to seal a business deal, rent-a-friend agencies will provide you with the perfect impersonator.
Britain’s Guardian newspaper reports on Ryuichi Ichinokawa, the owner of the “I want to cheer you up” agency. He has been the best man at weddings, making jokes about happy couples he did not know, and has acted as the uncle of students at school sports days. The Guardian says: “He dutifully cheered them on, recorded their efforts on his handheld video camera and joined in the adult-and-child races.” Ichinokawa charges just over $150 as a rental charge, but says there are extra fees for singing at a karaoke party or making a speech at a wedding. Ryuichi says he plans everything in detail so he doesn’t embarrass his client. He boasts: "In three and a half years I've never once been caught out."


1. What do you think of this article and this idea of rent-a friend agency? Will it work in Latvia?
2. Do you believe it is important to keep up social appearances or people worry too much about their public image? Prove your opinion.
3. Find in the dictionary other meanings, synonyms for the words ‘rent’ and ‘friend’.


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LENI28 offline LENI28 Сообщение Пт Ноя 20, 2009 14:50 Ответить с цитатой

Сообщения: 2474
Откуда: Рига,Плявниеки

Hello, ladies!
1. Well, I liked the article however I guess this way of finding friends and pastime does not do for us. First, Latvians and Russians are more emotional and heartfelt in comparison with Japanese. I think the friends are significant in our lifetime the same as family, work and health. They are part of our life and bring a piece of happiness. Second, such practice could exist in Latvia but in exceptional cases only like a rent of escort or guard or a charming woman pretending to be your girlfriend going to the party with your business partners. I guess those would be the only case impossible in Latvia. I could not rent an actor pretending to be my relative even if he had played his role the best way. The moral principles would not take the last place in the situation.
2. It is important to keep up social appearances for people working in public areas like politicians, participants of show-biz and other known people. They are discussed in press and TV, so they have to lead proper mode of life.
3. Rent – hire, lease
Friend – acquainted, buddy, mate, colleague, companion, comrade, familiar, pal, partner

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sinij offline sinij Сообщение Пт Ноя 20, 2009 16:43 Ответить с цитатой

Сообщения: 1315

1. This article made me laughing Улыбка such interesing idea how to get friends if you don`t have them at all. My husband said he could be a frend-for-rent for old lonely people. He is very talkative person and people in old ages often want to speak with somebody about everything they find interesting Хихи In my opinion this idea is not for Latvia - Latvians don`t have their sense of humour at the same level as the Japanese, for example. This idea will work in America or UK, I think.

2. I agree with LENI28 - for people working in public areas it`s important to keep up social appearences, cause for them "public image" means "making money".

3. "friend" - I found very interesting synonyms - associate, benefactor, brother, companion, confidante, familiar, acquaintance.
Also "friend" means "a member of the same nation, party" or "a member of the Religious Society of Friends; a Quaker."

"rent" - revenue or income. and from economics - "the excess of the produce or return yielded by a given piece of cultivated land over the cost of production; the yield from a piece of land or real estate."

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DiaanaBolgare offline DiaanaBolgare Сообщение Вт Ноя 24, 2009 14:35 Ответить с цитатой

Сообщения: 173
Откуда: Imanta

There has always been a riddle for me - where do the task givers take the pieces of texts from...very interesting, although quite unexpected for me. I believe that many unusual things exist in the world - this agency is one of those. It is hard to tell why Japanese need such fakers, but it definitely won't work in Latvia - we are more open to each other, I think.
What concerns public apperances, I believe that there should be a balance, as everywhere - one should be aware of self both in public and on his own.
A friend in need is a friend indeed - good proverb that works.


Diana's Language Coaching
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helen offline helen Сообщение Чт Ноя 26, 2009 00:31 Ответить с цитатой

Сообщения: 1861
Откуда: Рига, Пурвциемс

DiaanaBolgare :
There has always been a riddle for me - where do the task givers take the pieces of texts from...very interesting, although quite unexpected for me.

Yes, I am also curious about it. Хихи It supposed to be world news, so probably the originator of that site is monitoring the mass media all over the world and picks up the most interesting to his opinion articles. Actually I keep in touch with him, so I might ask him next time when we correspond. Здорово

And now let's sum up the results of Lesson 5. Улыбка
There were just a few answers and it's a pity as to my opinion this article and theme of friendship and social appearance in different cultures is very interesting and worth of deep discussion.
Have you ever read some Japanese authors, for example Haruki Murakami? In all his books the theme of loneliness in Japanese society is described very well. So, taking this into consideration I can understand why some people need such fakers for weddings and other events, and not even famouse people but just regular inhabitants of regular cities/towns. The roots of this problem are deep into the culture of this country. And it is very interesting to chat about it- what do you think/know about Japanese culture? Do you agree with it?

However I totally agree that such impersonators would not succeed in our country. As for us friendship is extremely important and even if we did not have friends, we would make it via KKM. Rock

Concerning grammar- again no remarks, as all participants have very good level of English. But where are the other participants whose level was Pre-Intermediate and lower? Please, do not be shy to write!!! I am looking forward to your replies as well!!! Поцелуй

Thank you very much for nice discussions and see you in Lesson 6. Цветок Счастье нереальное
Stay tuned!

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