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helen offline helen Сообщение Пн Ноя 09, 2009 23:46 Ответить с цитатой

Сообщения: 1861
Откуда: Рига, Пурвциемс

If you like reading books in English, you are welcome to English Book Club. Объятья

List of books available in English Book Club:

Chick-lit & Romance
Sophy Kinsella ‘Remember me?’- (2008) When twenty-eight-year-old Lexi Smart wakes up in a London hospital, she's in for a big surprise. Her teeth are perfect. Her body is toned. Her handbag is Vuitton. Having survived a car accident—in a Mercedes no less—Lexi has lost a big chunk of her memory, three years to be exact, and she's about to find out just how much things have changed.
Candace Bushnell ‘Four Blondes’- (2000)Consider this a sequel to her Sex & The City with new characters. Bushnell's quartet of blondes struggle with high-powered success, stretch marks, romantic intrigues, Manhattan expectations, dull lovers, biological clocks, and their own paranoia.
Lionel Shriver ‘The past birthday world’ (2007)- The new novel from the Orange Prize winning author of 'We Need to Talk About Kevin'. It all hinges on one kiss. Whether Irena McGovern does or does not lean in to a specific pair of lips in London will determine whether she stays with her disciplined, intellectual partner Lawrence or runs off with Ramsey, a hard-living snooker player.
Audrey Howard ‘River’s of the heart’- (2000) This is the story of a woman whose broken heart leads to a marriage filled with both tragedy and passion. She has only ever loved one man in her life - her adopted brother - but his decision to marry her sister causes more than just heartbreak.
Adele Parks ‘Husbands’- (2005) The Sexy New Novel From The Bestselling Author Of 'the Other Woman's Shoes' And 'still Thinking Of You'. Backed By An Unmissable National Consumer Advertising Campaign.
Catharine Cookson ‘Riley’- (1998) Catherine Cookson explores the relationship between a young man and an older woman. Riley, who left school with scant education, is invited to work with a theatre and it is here that he meets the leading lady, Nyrene Forbes-Mason.
Katie Fforde ‘Flora’s Lot’- (2005) Flora Stanza has sub-let her London life in a bid to join the family antiques business. Her knowledge of antiques extends only to the relics of information she has crammed from frantic daytime TV watching, but what she lacks in experience she makes up for in blind enthusiasm. So she is more than a little put off when she doesn't receive the warm country welcome she expected. Her curt, conservative cousin Charles and his fiancee Annabelle are determined to send Flora packing, and their offer to buy out her recently inherited majority-share of the business is tempting...until a strange warning makes her think twice. Stuck with a cat about to burst with kittens, and keen to avoid a certain man back in London, Flora soon discovers country life can be anything but dull and sets about rebuilding the crumbling business...
William Kane ‘Archer’

Dan Brown ‘Digital Fortress’- (1998) When the United States' National Security Agency's code-breaking machine encounters a mysterious and ingeniously complex code called Digital Fortress that it cannot break, the agency calls in Susan Fletcher, a brilliant mathematician and their head cryptographer, to crack it. Fletcher eventually discovers that the code is a viral program designed to break down the NSA's firewall and encryption systems, allowing anyone anywhere to access all of the NSA's files. She also discovers that it was written by Ensei Tankado, a former NSA employee who became displeased with the NSA's intrusion into people's private lives...
John Grisham ‘The last juror’- (2004) In 1970, a young mother was brutally raped and murdered by a member of the notorious Padgitt family. Local newspaper editor Willie Traynor reported the details of the horrifying crime. The murderer, Danny Padgitt, was tried before a packed courthouse in Clanton, Mississippi, threatening revenge against the jurors if they convict him, but guilty he was found and sentenced to life in prison. In Mississippi in 1970, "life" didn't necessarily mean "life," and nine years later Danny Padgitt gets parole. He returned to Ford County, and the retribution began.
Arthur Hailey ‘Airport’- (1968) In a raging blizzard, a stricken aeroplane is struggling against all odds to reach its destination. For seven suspense-filled hours a blocked runway, a suicide, a mass demonstration, a stowaway, a pregnancy and a psychotic with a home-made bomb, bring the plot to a shattering conclusion.
Sallie Day ‘The palace of strange girls’ - (2008) Blackpool, 1959. The Singleton family is on holiday. For seven-year-old Beth, just out of hospital, this means struggling to fill in her 'I-Spy' book and avoiding her mother Ruth's eagle-eyed supervision. Her sixteen-year-old sister Helen, meanwhile, has befriended a waitress whose fun-loving ways hint at a life beyond Ruth's strict rules. But times are changing. As foreman of the local cotton mill, Ruth's husband Jack is caught between unions and owners whose cost-cutting measures threaten an entire way of life. And his job isn't the only thing at risk. When a letter arrives from Crete, a secret re-emerges from the rubble of Jack's wartime past that could destroy his marriage. As Helen is tempted outside the safe confines of her mother's stern edicts, with dramatic consequences, an unexpected encounter inspires Beth to forge her own path.Over the holiday week, all four Singletons must struggle to find their place in a shifting world of promenade amusements, illicit sex and stilted afternoon teas, in this touching and extraordinarily evocative novel.

Hellen Keller ‘The story of my life’- (1905) Helen Adams Keller (June 27, 1880 – June 1, 1968) was an American author, political activist and lecturer. She was the first deafblind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree.[1][2] The story of how Keller's teacher, Annie Sullivan, broke through the isolation imposed by a near complete lack of language, allowing the girl to blossom as she learned to communicate, has become known worldwide through the dramatic depictions of the play and film The Miracle Worker.
Janey Godley ‘Handstands in the Dark’- Janey Godley (born 1961) is a Scottish stand-up comedian and writer. Her non-humorous autobiography Handstands in the Dark was a UK Top Ten bestseller and she was a 2006 Scotswoman of The Year finalist. She was a columnist for the Monday edition of The Scotsman newspaper 2007-2009.

Detective stories
Agatha Christie ‘Short Stories’

Books for children
Folk Tales
Persia’s brighest star

English Book Club is created and managed by helen, please, contact me if you have any offers or concerns. Улыбка

All books are available at KKM club, Kr. Barona 134.
Please, leave you name and phone when you take books to read. Цветок

Последний раз редактировалось: helen (Чт Июн 24, 2010 13:57), всего редактировалось 2 раз(а)

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helen offline helen Сообщение Чт Май 27, 2010 13:27 Ответить с цитатой

Сообщения: 1861
Откуда: Рига, Пурвциемс

В Английском Книжном Клубе пополнение!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Благодаря замечательной Марине green Цветок Английский Книжный Клуб пополнился порядка 200 новыми книгами. Здесь и детективы Агаты Кристи и Честерфилда, и чиклит, и вестерны и триллеры.
Совсем скоро я в этой теме выложу полный список книг, так что бы вы могли выбрать себе чтение по душе. Из-за большого колличества книг, часть из них будет храниться не в клубе. Но вы всегда сможете зайти в эту темку, выбрать понравившуюся книгу и оформить заказ. Улыбка

Впереди лето! Отпуска! Хорошо валяться в шезлонге и читать про любовные переживания заморских красоток или сидеть вечером под пледом и читать детектив, так что не стесняйтесь выбирать себе чтение на английском по душе!!! Отдых Счастье нереальное Ура!

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helen offline helen Сообщение Чт Июн 24, 2010 11:32 Ответить с цитатой

Сообщения: 1861
Откуда: Рига, Пурвциемс

Выкладываю список книг из новинок Английского книжного клуба с наименованием и именем автора. Разбирайте почитать!!! Подмигиваю

1. Journey in the Dark by Martin Flavin (Pulitzer Prize Novel)
2. Majave Crossing by Louis L’Amour (Western)
3. The Hourse Knows the Way by John O’Hara
4. For the Sake of Elena by Elithabeth George
5. Cry of the Naked by Thomas Carr
6. 79 Park Avenue by Harrold Robins
7. The Greatest Miracle of the World by Og Mandino
8. The Day of the Jackal by Frederick Forsyth
9. The Spy who Loved me by Christopher Wood
10. The Thorn of the Arimathea by Frank G. Slaughter
11. The Weapon of Night by Nick Carter
12. Agatha Christie Selected Stories
13. A Far-Off Place by Laurence van der Post
14. Rudyard Kipling Short Stories
15. The Grass Harp and the Tree of Night by Triman Capote
16. The Man in the Brown Suit by Agatha Christie
17. For Kicks by Dick Francis
18. Nerve by Dick Francis
19. Holocaust by Gerald Green
20. Mater of the Game by Sidney Sheldon
21. The Triple Echo by H.E.Bates
22. Paris.Guide
23. Русско-английский спец. разговорник для рыбопромыслового флота
24. Rain and other short stories by W. Somerset Maugham
25. Hawaii by James Michener
26. The Habit of Loving by Doris Lessing
27. The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club
28. The Super Girls by William Dare
29. Three men in a boat by Jerome K. Jerome
30. Knock! Knock! Who’s There? By James Chase
31. Mahabharota by C.Rajogopalachare
32. Airport by Arthur Hailey
33. Romeo and Juliet by W. Shakespear
34. The Door by Mary Rinehart
35. The Russia House by John Le Carre
36. The Passionate Journey by Irving Stone
37. The Best and the Brightest by David Halbestam
38. The Bachelors by Muriel Spark
39. The L-Shaped Room by Lynne Banks
40. Wheels by Arthur Hailey
41. The Final Diagnosis by Arthur Hailey
42. The Partner by John Grisham
43. The Secret of Father Brown by G.Chesterton
44. Ride the Man Down by Rex Dolphin
45. You’re lonely when you are dead by James Chase
46. The Queen’s Confession by Victoria Holt
47. The Summing Up by Somerset Maugham
48. After Julius by Elithabeth Jane Howazd
49. Why Didn’t They Ask Evans? by Agatha Christie
50. The Price of Murder by John Macdonald
51. Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie
52. The Bottom Line by Fletcher Knebel
53. The Odessa File by Frederick Forsyth
54. Hotel by Arthur Hailey
55. The Money Changers by Arthur Hailey
56. Doctor in the House by Richard Gordon
57. The Making of a Duchess by Louisa Leyton
58. MASH goes to Las Vegas by R.Hooker & W.Butterworth
59. WHIP Hand by Dick Francis
60. Melinda by Gaia Servadio
61. In the France by Dick Francis
62. Borden Country by Louis L’armour
63. The Light of Day by Eric Ambler
64. Touch of Evil by Agatha Christie
65. The Devil to Pay by Ellery Queen
66. The Silent People by Walter Macken
67. Bible
68. Byron
69. Harry’s Game by Gerald Seyman
70. Sparkling Cyanide by Agatha Christie
71. The Second Deadly Sir by Laurence Sanders
72. Short Stories by William Saragyan
73. My Fair Lady
74. Murder in a Package Deal by Carter Brown
75. The Testament by John Grisham
76. More deaths than one by Bruno Fischer
77. The Magus by John Fawl
78. Darling it’s death by Richard Prather
79. The Crew of the Mekong by I. Voiskeinsky and I. Lukodyanov
80. The Termite Queen by Norma Jean
81. The Cinderella Complex by Colette Dowling
82. The Importance of Being Witty
83. English Gramma by M. Ganshina and Vasilevskaya
84. English Language by A. Velikopolskaja
85. Grammar of Students of English by R. Close
86. English Grammar Exercises
87. The Rich and the Beautiful by Ruth Harris
88. Doris Day and Her Own Story by A. Hottaner
89. Doctor at Large by Richard Gordon
90. Stories by R. Stevenson
91. The ABC Murders by Agatha Christie
92. The Virgin and the Gipsy by D.H. Lawrence
93. Dump Witness by Agatha Christie
94. The Waterfall by Margaret Drobble
95. Runway Zero- Eight by Arthur Hailey
96. The Crooked Countries by Hugh Green
97. The Long Goodbye by Raymond Chandler
98. Practical English for Adults Learners
99. Reading and Talking English
100. Practical English for Adults Learners
101. The Happy Prince by Oscar Wild
102. The Fly Boys in London by Stanley Morgan
103. The Mysterious Affair in Styles by Agatha Christie
104. Flight into Danger by John Castle and Arthur Hailey
105. Hotel by Arthur Hailey
106. Seven Days in May
107. Flies by Nancy Drew
108. The Book of American Humour
109. If the River Was With Key by T. Boyle
110. A Die in the Country by Tobias Wells
111. Русс.-англ. разговорник по в-эконом. Связям
112. The Matarese Circle by Robert Ludlum
113. The Arm and the Darkness by Taylor Coldwell
114. You Can’t Do Without Them by L. Pamukhina
115. An Advanced Course of Everyday English by B. Cooper
116. Glimpse of British Art
117. English-Russian Dictionary
118. Never Love a Stranger by Harrold Robbins
119. The Power and the Glory by Graham Green
120. Force 10 From Navarra by Alistair Maclean
121. The High Places by Arthur Hailey
122. Target 5 by Colin Forbes
123. Stories of Greek Treasures by Irving

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