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helen offline helen Сообщение Ср Окт 14, 2009 23:37 Ответить с цитатой

Сообщения: 1861
Откуда: Рига, Пурвциемс

Dear girls!
This is our first lesson in Writing Club.
Before we start, I would like to say that every person has his/her own manner of speaking and expressing the ideas. It means that we should be polite and tolerant during our discussions and respect the opinions of others.
Also I would like to say that we start an interesting project- how to improve our English Language online via writing.
This is an innovative approach for me and I am sure for you as well, so let's try to do our best to make these several months as fruitful as possible. To reach this goal we should be brave proving our opinion; and please, are not be afraid that you are writing with mistakes. That is why we are here- to learn!
Счастье нереальное

Scientists Find Oldest Human Ancestor
Scientists may at last have found the ‘missing link’ in our evolution. For centuries, experts have discussed whether or not we came from apes, without any real proof. The story of evolution has found a new chapter after the discovery of the world’s oldest skeleton of our ancestors. The remains of 100 bones were found in an Ethiopian village. They belong to a species called Ardipithecus ramidus. The skeleton has been given the nickname Ardi. Scientists say the fossilized bones are 4.4 million years old. This is a million years older than a skeleton found in the 1970s called Lucy. Ardi is important because she shows an unknown stage of our evolution that happened six million years ago. Ardi was a 50kg female. She had a brain smaller than ours and had long arms and short legs. Her teeth are more like ours than those of chimpanzees. Scientists are excited because she walked upright, on two legs, not on all fours. She did not have an arched foot, which means she could not walk for long distances or run too far. Her long fingers and big toes meant she could easily climb through trees. Experts say the discovery is one of the most important finds ever. Professor Owen Lovejoy of the USA’s Kent State University was very excited at seeing Ardi. He said: "This was like discovering a time capsule from a period and a place that we knew nothing about." Ardi is sure to unlock a few secrets to how we evolved.

1. CHAT:
In pairs / groups, decide which of these topics or words from the article are most interesting and which are most boring. Explain why.
scientists / evolution / apes / proof / skeletons / nicknames / six million years ago / females / chimpanzees / long distances / trees / discoveries / time capsules / secrets
Have a chat about the topics you liked.
2. SCIENCE QUESTIONS: Do you know the answers to these questions? Why do you think so?
Do we come from apes?
Is there life on Mars?
What was before the Big Bang?
Can robots be intelligent?
Will we live forever?
Do ghosts exist?

3. APES: Students:
strongly believe we came from apes;
strongly believe we didn’t.

4. TIME CAPSULE: Would you like to be in a time capsule? Rank these – the ones you would most like to visit at the top and explain why.
6 million years ago
22 AD
the beginning of time
this time last year
the year 2100
next Tuesday at 3.30 pm

1. CHIMPANZEE: Spend one minute writing down all of the different words you associate with the word ‘chimpanzee’.
2. WORD SEARCH: Look in your dictionary / computer to find collocates, other meanings, information, synonyms … for the words ‘missing’ and ‘link’.
3. TEST : Look at the words below. Try to recall how they were used in the text:



a)What did you think when you read the headline?
b)What springs to mind when you hear the word ‘evolution’?
c)What is your theory of how we got on Earth?
d)Do you believe we descended from apes?
e)What is the missing link scientists keep talking about?
f)What do you think of this new discovery in Ethiopia?
g)Are you interested in this kind of news? Why?
h)Do you think scientists will ever be able to trace our evolution?
i)What do you think life was like six million years ago?
j)What other unknown things about the human race would you like to know?

STUDENTS kroljix

a)Did you like reading this article?
b)Why are scientists so excited at finding Ardi?
c)Would you like to have a job looking for old bones?
d)What are the similarities and differences between Ardi and us?
e)What will we look like six million years from now?
f)What have you heard in the news about Ardi?
g)What place in time would you like to visit?
h)What would surprise Ardi most about life on Earth today?
i)What other secrets are there for scientists to unlock?
j)What questions would you like to ask Professor Owen Lovejoy?

1. HOW WE GOT HERE:Write an essay about how humans became humans[/color]. Include imaginary interviews with two people with very different views.
2. LETTER: Write a letter to an evolution expert. Ask him/her three questions about evolution. Give him/her three of your own opinions about evolution.

That's it! Счастье нереальное Thank you very much for reading it. Рукопожатие Good luck and have a good discussion! Цветок
Deadline for written works is on Sunday!

Some comments upon the tasks in Russian Улыбка, just to make everything clear. http://www.kkm-online.lv/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&p=559148#559148

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Riska online Riska Сообщение Чт Окт 15, 2009 10:15 Ответить с цитатой

Сообщения: 31868
Откуда: Торонто

But how they recognize, that Ardi is female Здорово if there was only bones...

Ok,I have to believe, that we come from apes
It must be very pretty apes, I think

Apathy is Boring
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Angel offline Angel Сообщение Чт Окт 15, 2009 14:41 Ответить с цитатой

Сообщения: 416
Откуда: Золик

Very interesting article!! I am interesting in that,because it so interesting to know about our past,our history. I am sure that live was born in Earth,not bring from space.I don`t hear any relaible version about our space origin may bee. Здорово I think we going from any prehistoric man,may bee from ages. Хихи I think many of this connecting links didn`t found, many proofs are under ground.
Interesting that human who lived 4,4 millions years ago now can help modern people understand the earth history.This female lived,hunted,climbed on trees,gave birth to her babys. That about she think?That mans and womans lived near? Did they has communitys or lived separately? Many-many guestions and we havn`t answeres on this.

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Angel offline Angel Сообщение Чт Окт 15, 2009 14:46 Ответить с цитатой

Сообщения: 416
Откуда: Золик

Ohh, so difficult to write composition Уф!

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Drema offline Drema Сообщение Чт Окт 15, 2009 15:48 Ответить с цитатой

Сообщения: 4873
Откуда: Garkalne

Рelvic bones (may be not only those bones, but others too, I don't know) of a male or female look differently, so probably that's why sci-guys supposed they'd found female remains.

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Leonella offline Leonella Сообщение Чт Окт 15, 2009 16:14 Ответить с цитатой

Сообщения: 812

Oh! Great topic! what i am really happy for, I have to stand up the topic other than coming from the apes.. For all is much closer a cosmic theory ... Здорово

just one question: where we have to sent our essays? Write here on Sunday as a one big message or...? Sorry

"Кто хочет сдвинуть мир, пусть сначала сдвинет себя" (с)

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LENI28 offline LENI28 Сообщение Чт Окт 15, 2009 16:29 Ответить с цитатой

Сообщения: 2474
Откуда: Рига,Плявниеки

Yes, pelvic bones of female are narrower that those of man. Interesting, what was the ideal of hip size 6 million years ago? Очень смешно I don`t suppose that men-apes liked females with hip size 90 cm Очень смешно

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LENI28 offline LENI28 Сообщение Чт Окт 15, 2009 16:39 Ответить с цитатой

Сообщения: 2474
Откуда: Рига,Плявниеки

Oy, my dear madams, I kindly ask you to explain me in more detailed way how we should cope with all thes exercises. The more I read about the topic the more I am confused. The only that I have understood that exercises given in part Writting have to be done on our own and handed on Sunday directly to Helen. Others items should be written and discussed directly there at the forum?

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Riska online Riska Сообщение Чт Окт 15, 2009 21:45 Ответить с цитатой

Сообщения: 31868
Откуда: Торонто

Do we come from apes?

hmm, maybe who knows

Is there life on Mars?

no there isn't , if not some new news

What was before the Big Bang?

God created the universe... something like that Здорово
We always written down on physics at school.

Can robots be intelligent?

Yes, they can . Movie I'm robot with Will Smith


Do ghosts exist?

yes they does, or something like ghosts

(вот ну сорри часами писать не смогу)

Apathy is Boring
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Riska online Riska Сообщение Чт Окт 15, 2009 21:58 Ответить с цитатой

Сообщения: 31868
Откуда: Торонто

the beginning of time
6 million years ago
22 AD
the year 2100

because just interesting - what was or will be on Earth

this time last year
Last year in this time I had vacation, so I want it again

next Tuesday at 3.30 pm

---Just to put , nothing to say

Apathy is Boring
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Последний раз редактировалось: Riska (Чт Окт 15, 2009 22:43), всего редактировалось 1 раз

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Leonella offline Leonella Сообщение Чт Окт 15, 2009 22:21 Ответить с цитатой

Сообщения: 812

Do we come from apes?

I believe and really hope we aren't. Смешно From my point of view all 3 theories (God, cosmic and apes) are interconnected. Therefore, i would not divide them so strictly.. I suppose our genes (human genes) were sent by smbd (God....)to this planet..as an experimental sample..It's sounds quite funny, but I think so..

Is there life on Mars?

I didn''t check it. Смешно
as i remember there are no scientific evidence of it yet..

What was before the Big Bang?

NOTHING...Vacuum...and God's idea... Закатил глаза

Can robots be intelligent?

No, they are intelligent so far as the humans have programmed them.

Will we live forever?

MMM...Phisically no...humen souls definitely!!!

Do ghosts exist?

Yes, they do. I don't like to think a lot about it.. In my opinion, it is something like a clot of energy either positive or negative..

"Кто хочет сдвинуть мир, пусть сначала сдвинет себя" (с)

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Angel offline Angel Сообщение Чт Окт 15, 2009 22:41 Ответить с цитатой

Сообщения: 416
Откуда: Золик

I would like to see our Earth :
- 6 million years ago - very interesting to see what kinds of live was exists,does human exist,...how human looked ..
- 1973 - I would like to see my mom and dad young
- 2100 - interesting how world change

Everything else options I don`t know at the moment, but may bee I`ll agree then this possibility exist

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kroljix offline kroljix Сообщение Пт Окт 16, 2009 09:10 Ответить с цитатой

Сообщения: 6397
Откуда: ПриРижье

So, last night I started the lesson. It wasn't easy Sorry the other exercises I will supplement tonight Улыбка

1. Chat about topics we liked - I wrote my opinion about those

Scientists – an exciting job, a lot of opportunities to discover something new, unknown.
Proof – keeps in frenzy to find some evidence and solve the case further
Skeletons –the old skeletons can be researched and compared with modern man
Nicknames – always interested, why people are choosing specific nickname
Females – they are so different, they cannot be boring
Discoveries – must be very determined character to do the routin work permanently without garantees to discover something valuable
Secrets usually are interesting, there’s intrigue, analogical like in crime-movie or book
Evolution – boring, because it is happening very slowly
Time capsules
Apes and chimpanzees – both, I don’t like monkeys at all, though their behaviour may be funny
Six millons years ago – unreal date, for regular man it says nothing 6 thousands or 6 millons years ago.
Long distances – both, in school i hated to run long distances, but I very very like to drive those.
Trees – both. Domestic trees make me boring, but I guess in tropical forest may be very weird types of trees.

Младшая 01.03.2014.

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kroljix offline kroljix Сообщение Пт Окт 16, 2009 09:11 Ответить с цитатой

Сообщения: 6397
Откуда: ПриРижье

3. I'm believe we didn't came from apes

I guess we didn’t came frome apes, because since this theory does exist no one ape became a human or even a little features of this. I have doubts also due the missing speach skills of apes – nothing alike humans. And finally I could believe that contrariwise the apes came from humāns – we all i guess have seen mens’ that looks so peer to apes and their behavior may be peer, so this theory is not so unreal like it seems.

Младшая 01.03.2014.

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LENI28 offline LENI28 Сообщение Пт Окт 16, 2009 11:37 Ответить с цитатой

Сообщения: 2474
Откуда: Рига,Плявниеки

Well, I am to write something on my turn -
1. I don`t like apes at all, I gues they are very loud, sometimes stupid, too curious and importunate so I would not like to concede that people came from apes... Evolution is quite interesting thing for me expecially if I am keen on history.
2. a) I do not like thought we came from apes as well I do not suppose we are descendants of Adam and Eve. My opinion of human origination is still indefinite.. b) I guess Mars is inhabited, even thorugh its inhabitants are infusorias only... c) I do not understand what do you mean under words Big Bang - popular clock? d) Robots can be wise if they are produced by people with intellect already. e) No, I don`t think so, people are weak and small even if they think they are strong and all-powerfull. f) I don`t know, I gues no, all incomprehensible can be explained by physics, chemistry, math.
4. I wouldn`t like to live 6 mil years ago, what should I have done there? I would like to visit ancient Roman empire, France and Italy in 18th century..
Vocabulary -
chimpanzee - ape, animal, gorilla, curious
missing - lost, not found
link - connect, touch, tie
a) Oh, one else anchestor...
b) evolution - development, history, anchestors
c) As I have written above, my opinion on the topic is indefinite..
d) No, I do not believe
e)Missing link is new found human remains of female
f)It can be interesting to those who are interested in such kind of news.
g) Actually no
h)Let them try..
i)I do not think it was quite interesting, only nature, sky, water and earth

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helen offline helen Сообщение Пт Окт 16, 2009 23:20 Ответить с цитатой

Сообщения: 1861
Откуда: Рига, Пурвциемс

Good evening! Hi

Thank you very much for doing such a great job, answering the questions and fulfilling the tasks. Рукопожатие

While you were preparing your reports, I was reconsidering the goals and tasks we have here, I came to the conclusion, that:
1. we need more time than 4 days. So, it means that from moment we start the lesson, it would be better if you have 7 days to participate in discussion and send the essays.I suggest to establish start day on Wednesday and deadline also on Wednesday in a week.
2. also I suppose as not everybody wants to study seriously, but would like to participate in discussions on interesting themes, I suggest that everybody can participate in discussion, but those who would like to get detailed feedback on essays, please, sent it to my email [email protected] or here in private inbox within 7 days. Then I will check it and send back to you.
3. When the lesson is over, I will make some summary of the results and give grammar feedback on the discussion. However as it is kind of chat, I think that if I point out the rudest mistakes it will be enough, as for those who would like to get more information you can send me a message.

And as a conclusion for today, I can say that writing is really good, in those works which I have already seen, almost nothing to correct. Ok So, then do not be shy to write more. Подмигиваю

About BIG BANG THEORY Улыбка - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Bang

Have a good weekend!!! Поцелуй Счастье нереальное

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kroljix offline kroljix Сообщение Вс Окт 18, 2009 11:28 Ответить с цитатой

Сообщения: 6397
Откуда: ПриРижье


Do we come from apes?
I don't think we come from apes. I didn' see any believeble proof which would confirm this theory with no doubts. And I don't like this theory maybe this is the reason too why I'm choosing to not believe.

Is there life on Mars?
I don't follow the efforts of scientists in this field, though in all pictures of Mars which I have seen, the planet looked very unfriendly and uninhabited.

What was before the Big Bang?

Can robots be intelligent?
I read, that scientists still haven't the unify opinion about what actually the Artificial intelligence is. Because nobody can define equipollent what can be called the intelligence: logic, feeling or knowledge. So, imo, can robots be intelligent or not, depends of meaning of the word "intelligence" which we give him.

Will we live forever?
I think no. The all living being have definite terms of life, animals, plants etc. I cannot see any reason why sholud be made an exemption for the men, I don't think he had earned to be better as all other on the planet.

Do ghosts exist?
Probably I'm realistic too much, but I don't believe they really exist. Maybe are some thing that not allways can be explained usual way, but I guess there are any rational reason or explanation which is immediately invisible.

Младшая 01.03.2014.

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ivasi offline ivasi Сообщение Вс Окт 18, 2009 20:53 Ответить с цитатой

Сообщения: 682
Откуда: jugla

Do we came from apes?
-I don't know.Maybe or maybe it was the God's joke.
Is there life on Mars?
-Probably this life is not explicable for humanity.
What was befor the Big Bang?
-When Каладеер will start to work,we can answer on this question.
Can robots be inelligent?
-After seeing some films like "Matrix",this idea is not so unreal.300 years ago peopale can't imagine that we could fly on some planes.
Will we live forever?
-We can live lonly.I belive in it.And so belive that our soul is immortal.That's wrritting in the Bible.
-Do ghost exist?
-Maybe some souls get lost.

Дети ведут себя хорошо,если могут.(Росс Грин)

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ivasi offline ivasi Сообщение Вс Окт 18, 2009 21:01 Ответить с цитатой

Сообщения: 682
Откуда: jugla

I would like to visit 1973.Want to speak with my grandmorthers and grandfarthers.Now I'm understanding thatknow so little about history of my family.

Дети ведут себя хорошо,если могут.(Росс Грин)

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ivasi offline ivasi Сообщение Вс Окт 18, 2009 21:05 Ответить с цитатой

Сообщения: 682
Откуда: jugla

Chipamzee-babans,Africa,aggression.I don't like monkeye at all.Expalsion is orangutang's babys.They are looking like littli sad clowns.

Дети ведут себя хорошо,если могут.(Росс Грин)

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ivasi offline ivasi Сообщение Вс Окт 18, 2009 21:16 Ответить с цитатой

Сообщения: 682
Откуда: jugla

It wasn't intresting to read this article for me.I'm not sintiest and some nuance,like smaller brains and longer feets,not impotant for me.I think all from our life would be shoke for Ardi.And I ancertain that Ardi could breath on our poluted air.


Дети ведут себя хорошо,если могут.(Росс Грин)

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Angel offline Angel Сообщение Пн Окт 19, 2009 00:34 Ответить с цитатой

Сообщения: 416
Откуда: Золик

a)What did you think when you read the headline?
I think that is very interesting article, because I am interested in that

b)What springs to mind when you hear the word ‘evolution’?
I remembered page from biological book with apes picture

c)What is your theory of how we got on Earth?
I think many millions years ago was some event who started up life development.This event was very strong.It may bee explosion,collision with comet and something else.In my opinion most really is collision with any spice body.In result,Earth changed orbit,in result of chemical reaction appeared water.This chemical and climatical reaction coincidence bringed to life appearance.

d)Do you believe we descended from apes?
I don`t know.May bee.I want to belive that we descended form humans which some sensiblless than our humans.

e)What is the missing link scientists keep talking about?
I think we have many-many this missing links, because we didn`t relaible know about life appearence

f)What do you think of this new discovery in Ethiopia?
Its very interesting return back for 6 million years and touch to the past

g)Are you interested in this kind of news? Why?
Yes,I like this kind of news,because its our history.If we knows about our history,we knows about our future

h)Do you think scientists will ever be able to trace our evolution?
I don`t think so. I think it`s too difficulty to found this trace and draw a real conclusion

i)What do you think life was like six million years ago?
May bee humans lived in communitis because so easy to survive,hunted,borned babys...

j)What other unknown things about the human race would you like to know?
I don`t know.A lot of unknown things about our appearence exist

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Lilu offline Lilu Сообщение Пн Окт 19, 2009 16:31 Ответить с цитатой

Сообщения: 535

There aren't boring words in this article. May be some less attention we can pay for scientists, nicknames, females. Other topics are very interesting.
-I don't think that we come from apes. There could be some being we come from but not the apes that exist now. Now they are not changing and I don't think they was.
- There isn't life on Mars. According to results from scientists the planet is simply too salty for life and it has been for billions of years.
- This question would normally belong in the realms of deep philosophical thinking. I'm not good in philosophy Улыбка
- No it can't. Intelligence can't be programmed.
- I think our souls will live forever in other bodies.
- May be. It might be some souls that are looking for new cover for existence.


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Lilu offline Lilu Сообщение Пн Окт 19, 2009 17:01 Ответить с цитатой

Сообщения: 535

Yes, I would like to be in a time capsule. First of all in the beginning of the time - it's very interesting with what all has begun
Then certainly in the future - it can't be uninteresting
About other dates we know something. It would be very exiting to get there. But it is a bit less than in dates about which I wrote above.

1. Monkey, dexterous, fast, tenacious, ridiculous, shaggy, a tree, a liana, a banana


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Leonella offline Leonella Сообщение Вт Окт 20, 2009 23:54 Ответить с цитатой

Сообщения: 812

4. TIME CAPSULE: Would you like to be in a time capsule? Rank these – the ones you would most like to visit at the top and explain why.
Actually I would like to travel through the ages like Orlando of Virginia Woolf. If I could turn a time rate, for instance…
6 million years ago - only for a small period of time just to have a look how it was on the Earth. It would be interesting to see some kind of plants and small creatures, which do not exist at all already. I am not sure if I’d like to meet some dinosaur…maybe the smallest one and at a distance.

1973 - I would like to be in Las Vegas on Elvis’s concert and having with him afterparty!!

22 AD - probably I would like to be in Jerusalem, just to know a little bit more about life of Jesus Christ and having a clear and true story about all that was happening there.

the beginning of time – No, I wouldn’t like to see that picture.. I cannot imagine it at all.. Where is a start of the beginning of time? Always when I think about word “ the beginning” I start imagine a picure before it…there also should be smth...

this time last year - Absolutely! I'd like to feel my child inside of me once again!

the year 2100 - only for some minutes to be sure that everything is ok with my posterity

next Tuesday at 3.30 pm - No. I don’t like to force any activity if it is not very, very necessary

1872 - I see myself drinking a cup of tea with Her majesty queen Victoria or enjoying some traditional fest in Ireland or Scotland.

1. CHIMPANZEE: Spend one minute writing down all of the different words you associate with the word ‘chimpanzee’.
‘chimpanzee’ - a banana, a scream, shaggy, zoo, champagne Смешно Kongo, Africa, a palm, a mirror, a hairy mug Улыбка

"Кто хочет сдвинуть мир, пусть сначала сдвинет себя" (с)

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Рига, Латвия
ПТ, 07/06



Ветер СЗ, 0-2 м/сек
Атм. давл. 760..762 мм рт.ст.
СБ, 08/06



Ветер ЮЗ, 0-2 м/сек
Атм. давл. 759..761 мм рт.ст.
СБ, 08/06



Ветер ЮЗ, 2-4 м/сек
Атм. давл. 758..760 мм рт.ст.
СБ, 08/06



Ветер З, 3-5 м/сек
Атм. давл. 757..759 мм рт.ст.

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